Finally I Feel Loved!

Course Curriculum

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    SECTION ONE: The Peaceful Self as the Source of Love

    • Get Ready for Retreat Guide

    • Welcome, Intention, and Opening Audio

    • Lesson 1: Intention for the Retreat -- Reading and Video

    • Lesson 2: Opening Retreat Ritual -- Reading and Music

    • Lesson 3: Who Am I - Reading and Video Meditation

    • Who Am I and Becoming the Witness Audios

    • Lesson 4: Becoming the Witness -- Reading and Video Meditation

    • Disidentification Audio Meditation

    • Lesson 5: I Am the Peaceful Self - Reading and Video Meditation

    • Becoming the Peaceful Self Audio Meditation

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    SECTION TWO: What is Love?

    • Lesson 6: Myths About Love

    • Lesson 7: What Real Love Is

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    SECTION THREE: Are You Attracting Real Love?

    • Lesson 8: Survival and Economic Relationships

    • Lesson 8B: Dr. Lisa Love's Survival and Economic Relationship Story

    • Lesson 8C: Coping With or Deciding to Leave a Relationship Based on Survival and Economics

    • Lesson 9: Social and Political Relationships

    • Lesson 9B: Dr. Lisa Love's Social and Political Relationship Story

    • Lesson 9C: Coping With or Deciding to Leave a Relationship Based on a Social and/or Political Connection

    • Lesson 10: Desire Relationships

    • Lesson 10B: Dr. Lisa Love's Desire Relationship Story

    • Lesson 11: Romance Relationships

    • Lesson 11C: Dr. Lisa Love's Romance Relationship Story

    • Lesson 11C: Coping With or Deciding to Leave a Relationship Based on Romance

    • Lesson 12: Real Love Relationships

    • Lesson 13: 5 People Who Shaped Me

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    SECTION FOUR: Spotting and Letting Go of Toxic Relationships

    • Lesson 14: Understanding Codependent Relationships

    • Lesson 14: Understanding Abuse

    • Lesson 15: Understanding Commitment Phobic Relationships

    • Lesson 15B: Setting Boundaries on Toxic Relationships Meditation

    • Lesson 15C: Cutting Chords to Find New Love Meditation

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    SECTION FIVE: Preparing to Attract Real Love

    • Lesson 16: Loving Yourself When You Are Alone

    • Lesson 17: Opening Up to Receiving

    • Lesson 17B: Opening Up to Love Meditation

    • Lesson 18: Building a Circle of Support

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    SECTION SIX: Attracting Real Love

    • Lesson 19: Real Love Workout Spirit

    • Lesson 20: Real Love Workout Self

    • Lesson 21: Real Love Workout Others

    • Lesson 22: Attracting Real Love - Spiritually

    • Lesson 22B: Sending Heart Energy Meditation

    • Lesson 23: Attracting Real Love - Personally

    • Lesson 23B: Self-Esteem Meditation

    • Lesson 24: Attracting Real Love - Mentally

    • Lesson 24B: Positive Mind Meditation

    • Lesson 25: Attracting Real Love - Emotionally

    • Lesson 26: Attracting Real Love - Physically

    • Lesson 27: Calling in Your Soulmate Meditation

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    SECTION SEVEN: Visioning Your Life of Love

    • Lesson 28: Vision of the Peaceful Self

    • Lesson 28B: My Life of Love Three Months From Now

    • Lesson 28C: My Life of Love Six Months From Now